Do you know . . .
We are being fogged at night with
toxic pesticides?
Beginning in May 2014, Santa
Clara county trucks drove through various cities fogging with a toxic chemical
pesticide, Zenivex E4. Spraying of pesticides will continue, as often as they
deem necessary. They have already fogged: Santa Clara, Cupertino, Campbell, San Jose, Sunnyvale. Willow Glen & Los Gatos are next. With your help, we can stop the ineffective, toxic pesticides.
Next foggings are Tue 6/17 &
Thu 6/19 at 11pm-4am !
Why are they fogging with pesticides?
Pesticide fogging is to kill adult
mosquitoes. Vector Control claims that this is needed to protect the public
from West Nile Virus (WNV), which maybe transmitted when infected mosquitoes
bite people.
How dangerous is WNV to human?
WNV causes mild or no symptoms similar
to a cold or flu in most people. Of those infected, less than 1% suffer serious
symptoms. After the first
exposure, you become immune to WNV. Many people are already immune, as the
virus has been around for several years.
Is fogging effective?
A 2006 Harvard study has shown fogging to be
INEFFECTIVE at controlling adult mosquito populations. It only kills some adult
mosquitoes, not the larvae. New generations of mosquitoes continue to hatch
from larvae after the fogging.
Is the pesticide safe?
Zenivex E4 is a toxic
pyrethroid (synthetic nerve toxin). The manufacturer claims it is safe, but
infants, elderly and immune-compromised cannot detoxify this chemical, and must
avoid exposure. Even at ULV (ultra
low volume) application rates, the toxin kills other beneficial insects. Many
are mosquito predators and part of the balance of our eco system. The Director
of the Department of Environmental Health stated that fogging leaves a chemical
residue. This residue is toxic to bees and is present at unknown levels on
flowers and beehives, adding more toxins to bees that are suffering from Colony
Collapse. The pesticide is toxic to aquatic life as well. The fogged pesticide drifts in the wind
and gets into our streams and oceans, where the toxin continues to poison
aquatic life as the chemical does not degrade easily in mud. No long-term
studies on humans, pets, or the environmental impact of this pesticide have
been done!
How can I protect my family?
Before fogging, it is vital to close
windows, doors, and turn off AC. Bring in laundry, kids’ toys/furniture and
pets and their food/water dishes. Susceptible populations (pregnant women,
infants, elderly, and immune-compromised) should take extra precautions as the
ability to detoxify the toxin is not developed in babies and is insufficient in
these populations.
How can I help STOP toxic pesticide fogging?
Call, email or write all the County Supervisors. Ask that they stop the pesticide
Contact information
for the County Board of Supervisors by District:
District 1 Mike Wasserman email (408) 299-5010
District 2 Cindy Chavez email (408)
District 3 Dave Cortese email (408)
District 4 Ken Yeager email
(408) 299-5040
District 5 Joe Simitian email (408) 299-5050
Mailing address: 70 W. Hedding Street, 10th floor, San Jose, CA 95110
Here's a map to find your Santa Clara County District number: Click here for District map
or Volunteer signup?
Click here to send an email
your help, we can Ban Pesticides and protect our health and environment!
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