Tuesday, June 17, 2014

6/24/14 Fogging Sunnyvale, Los Altos, and Mountain View

Below is an email announcement from SCCVector Control..... with our comments after the map. 

The Santa Clara County Vector Control District (SCCVCD) confirmed on June 17 that adult mosquitoes from areas of the cities of Sunnyvale, Los Altos, and Mountain View tested positive for West Nile virus (WNV). The detection of mosquitoes infected with WNV has prompted the scheduling of a mosquito fogging treatment in the surrounding area, in an effort to prevent human cases of WNV.  Weather permitting; the ground fogging is scheduled for Tuesday 6/24/2014 at 11:00 pm. The zone is centered at St. Mary Ave. and Fremont Ave. A map of the area can be found HERE .
Fogging may occur at a later date if weather conditions are not favorable, or if additional positive mosquitoes are found after the fogging.
From Ban Pesticides Southbay.....  We HIGHLY recommend that you protect yourself from the pesticide fogging.

1. If you are sensitive to pesticides or chemicals or are pregnant, have an infant, are elderly, are immune-compromised, or have low-functioning liver, you might consider staying out of the area for a day or more.

2. If you stay home, on the night of fogging from 11pm to 4am (or better, an hour after full sunshine, as sunlight helps to degrade what is left in the air) be sure to :
      Close doors and windows & turn off A/C.
      Bring in pets, food/water dishes & bird feeders, toys, furniture, and cover the BBQ.
      Cover food plants & pollinator flowers, drain bird baths.    

3. Turn off sprinklers that go off late evening or early morning before fogging. Wet surfaces might allow the pesticide to revaporize if it's warm the next day......

4.  Avoid sitting on grass or ground at parks that were in/near the fogging for at least a couple days.

The chemical in the pesticide, Etofenprox, takes anywhere from 2-45 days to degrade.  So, it's still on the ground, plants, your shoes, car, door screens, etc for weeks after fogging.

Help us stop the ineffective & unnecessary pesticide fogging.  Please volunteer to help by sending us an email.

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